Tasks for the week
Create a Simple Story Map
Start thinking of a Final Project idea
Creating a Simple Story Map
Determine your story map topic
For my simple story map I chose to focus on the second day of our trip across Northern France. Because the purpose of this story map is to force us to become more familiar with the template, the topic didn't carry that much importance.
Upload pictures and add information
To upload pictures onto the story map template we had to upload our pictues into a Google + picture album, then uplaod that album to Picasa ( a photo sharing site ), and then upload the pictures to the Esri story mapping site. This posed a small problem in the fact that the pictures then were no longer connected to their original coordinates. We just had to place the photos manually onto the map, and while this wasn't a huge problem, once we need to upload more than 20 photos for the final project this could become quite annoying and time consuming. After uploading the photos we needed to attach a title and description to each photo.
Make presentable
To make our story map look professional I added a blue background to get rid of the dull grey that was the default color. I added a title to the story map and wrote a small description. I then made sure the map was zoomed in so that the viewer can specifically see where each photo was taken.
Link to my Simple Story Map: http://uwec.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=d6ef908d52b842a38287c9ae5a8bf502&webmap=583fa9f721c4485eaa8e0d06a95bfdea
Start Thinking of a Final Project Idea
Historical story
Right now for a final project I'm thinking about taking one of the battles and making a story map of where the front lines were located throughout the war. The viewer would be able to scroll through the dates and the front line would move for both sides. Like Joe said this may take some digging to find out where the front lines were on each specific date, but it would make a really cool story map. Especially if I included some of the pictures that we took along the trip of what the battlefield looks like in modern times.
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